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Operation $expand on ValueSet


The operation $expand on ValueSet is currently beta. Only the basic functionality, described here, is implemented.

The $expand operation can be used to expand all codes of a ValueSet.

GET [base]/ValueSet/$expand
GET [base]/ValueSet/[id]/$expand

In Parameters

url0..1uriA canonical reference to a value set. The value set has to be already stored on the server.
valueSetVersion0..1stringThe business version of the value set. If not given and multiple versions exist, an arbitrary version will be chosen.
count0..1integerPaging support - how many codes should be provided in a partial page view. If count = 0, the client is asking how large the expansion is.
includeDefinition0..1booleanControls whether the value set definition is included or excluded in value set expansions. Defaults to false.

The official documentation can be found here.