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Operation $validate-code on ValueSet


The operation $validate-code on ValueSet is currently beta. Only the basic functionality, described here, is implemented.

The $validate-code operation can be used to validate-code all codes of a ValueSet.

GET [base]/ValueSet/$validate-code
GET [base]/ValueSet/[id]/$validate-code

In Parameters

url0..1uriA canonical reference to a value set. The value set has to be already stored on the server.
valueSet0..1ValueSetThe value set is provided directly as part of the request.
code0..1codeThe code that is to be validated. If a code is provided, a system must be provided.
system0..1uriThe system for the code that is to be validated.
inferSystem0..1booleanIf true, the terminology server is required to infer the system from evaluation of the value set definition. The inferSystem parameter is only to be used with the code parameter, and not with the coding nor codeableConcept parameters.

The official documentation can be found here.